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for women

couples sessions

Pause offers couples a discussion forum that is similar to the one-on-one discussion service, but is facilitated by two Pause facilitators (typically another couple). The discussions are predominantly married couples that are experiencing some form of marital stress. The cause of this marital stress is not limited to any particular factor, but quite often one of the couple is already engaged with Pause group meetings, one-on-one discussion, or have participated in a Pause Restore workshop.

individual meetings

Individual meetings are authentic, transparent, and confidential. Finding true freedom from our destructive behaviors happens one conversation at a time. It can be slow and painful, but when you are fortunate enough to have another person help you get started, everything can change.


restore workshops

Workshops utilize a unique clinical and faith-based approach to assist particiapnts in learning how to identify, label, and express natural emotions, understand how being overwhelmed by fears drives reactive patterns, and how to achieve spiritual, emotional, and relational healing.


reaching a breaking point?

Connect with one of our female Pause Group leaders and take your first step toward hope, healing, and restoration.


3575 Valley Road

P.O. Box 123

Basking Ridge, NJ 07920


© 2021 Pause Ministries. Pause Ministries is a 501(c)3 charity for tax purposes.

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